Hi there,
This seems to be the first official post to just let you know who we are. While the brand
G.rabit involved a few people (I will explain more in another post about the history of G.rabit, provided that you guys would like to know more about us, hehe...), I will introduce myself and my partner in
crime (oops) I mean, business.
I am Ryu, some may know me as Vern, I don't really have a preference to whatever you call me. And the other G.rabit is Kayne or K. We're just 2 (very very bored) individuals stuck in Perth who decided that we should start a little business venture (did I mention we were very bored?).
We're not here to make money (although that is a great motivation XD). We want to build a brand and a community for small independent fashion organizations (if you could even call us that).
Our current list of items include men's stainless steel jewelry. We look forward to adding more items besides necklaces and pendants which would appeal to women as well.
Have a look around and feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries in regards to our products. We hope to be able to further extend our product variety and make more guys and girls happy.
Thank you.
p.s. we have a page on
Facebook as well. Do drop by and say hi!